Thursday, September 21, 2006

C.J. Cherryh

From the Blog of one of my very, very favorite SciFi authors:
Date: 9/17/06. Sunday. Cyteen 2:Outline: 23829. Just taking it easy, starting back to work on the Cyteen follower.
A Cyteen Sequel, be still by beating heart!
Signing off as GC

Saturday, September 16, 2006


I made Waldorf salad for supper last night. We got a bucket of Empire apples last weekend at the Community Market. So far, Empires are now my favorites.
GW and I were reminiscing last night about the good apples we used to get when we lived in upstate New York. The Jonathons were spectacular. Although he seems to think they came from Pennsylvania. Anyway, the winter I was pregnant with our first baby, we bought a whole bushel of Jonathons and kept them in the basement where it was cool. I had one every day. Yum!
Also there was a roadside stand north of where we lived in NY that had a HUGE wooden barrel of apple cider with a spigot and they filled a jug for you, on site. One year, towards the end of the season, we discovered that we got 'hard' cider. It was also yummy!
Signing off as GC.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Happy Anniversary

September 9, 1961. Fortyfive years and counting!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Owen had Great Big Waterproof Boots on

Monday, September 04, 2006

Save Pluto!

I may be the first in my neighborhood to own a 'Save Pluto' T-shirt. Poor little Dwarf Planet. I showed it to my DH and he said 'you're not going to wear that outside are you?'. What a wuss!