Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Storybook Dolls revisited

I now have pictures posted on Yahoo of all the dolls. These are the smaller versions of the pictures, since we have dial-up and it takes forever to upload the originals.

This is the 'Bride' doll from the Storybook Family series. All the dolls were purchased around 1948 - 1950. They have moveable arms, but the legs are fixed.

There are twelve dolls and you can view them at http://new.photos.yahoo.com/cvwillc

I am looking for a good home for these dolls. I would like to give them as a set. If you know anyone who collects or would be interested, please let me know.

Fitted Sheets

I have discovered that hardly anyone makes fitted sheets that fit our mattress anymore. It seems that the new rage is mattresses that are 13 -18 inches thick (or more). I bought two sets of sheets a couple of months ago, not realizing that the fitted sheets had 'deep pockets'. Well, they certainly didn't look good on our 8-inch thick mattress. Saggy, baggy, rumpled! The last week or so I have been checking the stores, Target, Wal-mart, Macy's, Belk, etc. All the fitted sheets were for the new thicker mattresses. Finally, at J.C. Penneys, I found a Sealy's brand King Size Sheet Set that said it would fit a 7 - 18 inch mattress. So I got the set. Only $60 bucks, which is pretty good for King size set. Had 330 thread count and was 100% cotton. It works pretty well, the sheet fits tight. But it was harder to get on than the normal sheets, more tucking underneath. But I'm satisfied for now.
Those of you that have an 18-inch mattress - do you have to have a step stool or ladder to get in and out of bed?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Jasper Fforde

I am reading'The Fourth Bear' by Jasper Fforde. The second book in his Nursery Crime series. I am not as big a fan of this series as his Thursday Next novels, which my daughter (the Librarian) got me started on, with 'The Eyre Affair'. I guess you have to love the bizarre a little to like these books, but I enjoy them. The big excitement is that he will have another Thursday Next novel out in July 2007. 'The War of the Words.' I was afraid he had quit writing Thursday Next novels when he started the Nursery Crime series.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Storybook Doll #197

Story book Doll #197
A November Lass to Cheer

As I wrote in a previous post, we found my Storybook dolls, when we were cleaning out the garage. DH (AKA Dad) took pictures of all of them for me so I could show them to anyone who might be interested. The dolls have jointed arms, but not legs. Also I'm not sure all the right dolls are in the right boxes. I collected these dolls some time in the late 1940's early 1950's. I have 12 dolls, and would like to find a good home for them. I will post the dolls on separate blogs.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Air Conditioning

They're done! The central air has been installed, wired, inspected etc. I took myself to the dollar movies this afternoon (Over the Hedge) to get out of the house while the power was off, and when I got back the vans, trucks equipment, guys, were all gone. The feeling is wonderful. It seems so quiet in the house without the window units humming and all the fans going. Ah! cool, peace and quiet. Love It.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Grampa Warren! Now you're as old as I am. (family joke, we were born in the same year, only I was born three weeks earlier)
No lemon meringue pie, though. (Sigh) By request. His tummy is acting up, and I'm on a diet.

Friday, August 11, 2006


I was getting ready to do some errands yesterday after lunch (and nap). I looked into my purse to get out my lipstick and my wallet wasn't in there! Panic city! Well, I stood there shaking and tried to remember the events of the day before. Not easy at any time, but even worse when I'm that upset. Also DH (AKA Dad) was standing there with me, so he was upset too. I finally remembered that I had stopped at the grocery store just before coming home the day before. We hot-footed it up there and they had my wallet! Double Whew!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Silent Snow

I just finished reading 'Silent Snow'. About the slow poisoning of the Arctic. It was very interesting. Things I didn't know were going on. Some, I remembered, such as the Inuit being banned from whaling for a while.
A quote: 'When we think of the Arctic, we picture a realm as pristine as a diamond, but it has been poisoned with toxic chemicals carried north from the industrialized world via wind and water. So insidious is this invisible invasion, the animals and people of the Arctic "carry more mercury and PCBs in their bodies" than any other living beings on earth.'

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Owen's Ark

This is my last finished quilt. I made it for my grandson. Completed in February 2002. I bought the pattern from one of the Supermarket's Womans magazines in 1964! Thought I would make it for one of my kids but never got around to it. The first and last quilt I ever appliqued. I have a quilt that's been in progress for the last 3 years, but it's slow going. Right now the weather is so hot I don't feel like doing anything.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Double Bass Concerto

Chi-Chi Nwanoku. I heard her play the Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf: Double Bass Concerto No.1 in D on WVTF Public Radio the other day. Stunning! She looks like a Wild Child doesn't she? I'd like to get a recording of it sometime.

Meanwhile I'm enjoying some Edgar Meyer unaccompanied Bass Solos by Bach. Courtesy of my daughter. (Thanks Robin!)